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  1. A star is born

    New York, New York : Kino Classics, [2012]

    Esther Blodgett is just another starry-eyed farm kid trying to break into the movies. Waitressing at a Hollywood party, she catches the eye of alcoholic star Norman Maine, is given a shot at stardom, and is caught up in the Hollywood glamour machine . She and her idol Norman marry; but as her star rises, his comes crashing down.

  2. A star is born [videorecording]

    [New York] : Kino on Video ; Chatsworth, CA : distributed exclusively by Image Entertainment, c1998.

    A fading star meets an aspiring actress, falls in love with and marries her. Her career skyrockets, while his continues to fade with tragic results.

  3. A Star is born [videorecording]

    Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2010, c1954.

    As a band singer is discovered and guided to heights of show-business success by an alcoholic ex-matinee idol, she performs one superb song after another in a production that exhilarates with its craft and style even as its story moves toward a heartbreaking finale.


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