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  1. Jeff Bezos : Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen : el genio visionario y controvertido detrás de Amazon

    Turienzo, Laureano
    Primera edición. - Madrid : LID, 2022.

    Historias, curiosidades y anécdotas que definen y nos muestran la evolución de un personaje totalmente poliédrico. Jeff Bezos es el padre de Amazon. Es el genio más grande que ha habido en los negocios desde Rockefeller. Un tipo con un talento desbordante y un ejemplo digno de emular o el peor CEO del mundo según los sindicatos. Bezos sueña con llevar un día a toda la humanidad fuera de este planeta llamado Tierra, tan «aburridamente agotado». Lleva una década compitiendo en su particular carrera espacial con el otro gran ultramillonario de nuestra era, Elon Musk. Ambos saben que el negocio del futuro se jugará ahí. El 28 de abril de 2021 el patrimonio de Bezos se disparó a 201 000 millones de dólares. No todos perdieron en la pandemia. Este libro viaja por la caja negra de su vida y nos ofrece algunos detalles hasta ahora desconocidos de su controvertida historia. Bezos es el niño abandonado por su padre que recuerda cómo le cambió la vida el ver a los cinco años a Neil Armstrong pisar la Luna, el joven friki fanático de Star Trek que les contó a sus compañeros de la escuela secundaria que quería salvar la Tierra enviando a millones de sus habitantes al espacio; el joven que fue un lobo en Wall Street y lo dejó todo para crear una empresa que vendería libros por Internet cuando menos del 1 % de la población mundial estaba conectada a la Red, y el hombre que cambió las formas de consumir en occidente, que se convertirá en la persona más rica de la historia de la humanidad y que sueña con salvarla. Pero ¿quién es realmente Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen?

    Online Safari Books Online

  2. Invent & wander : the collected writings of Jeff Bezos

    Bezos, Jeffrey
    Boston, Massachusetts : Harvard Business Review Press & Public Affairs, [2021]

    A collection of writings by the founder and CEO of Amazon includes a selection of Bezos's unusual annual shareholder letters, speeches, and interviews that offer insight into his background, his professional approaches, and the evolutions of his ideasIn Jeff Bezos's own words, the core principles and philosophy that have guided him in creating, building, and leading Amazon and Blue Origin. In this collection of Jeff Bezos's writings—his unique and strikingly original annual shareholder letters, plus numerous speeches and interviews that provide insight into his background, his work, and the evolution of his ideas—you'll gain an insider's view of the why and how of his success. Spanning a range of topics across business and public policy, from innovation and customer obsession to climate change and outer space, this book provides a rare glimpse into how Bezos thinks about the world and where the future might take us. Written in a direct, down-to-earth style, Invent and Wander offers readers a master class in business values, strategy, and execution: The importance of a Day 1 mindset Why "it's all about the long term" What it really means to be customer obsessed How to start new businesses and create significant organic growth in an already successful company Why culture is an imperative How a willingness to fail is closely connected to innovation What the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us Each insight offers new ways of thinking through today's challenges—and more importantly, tomorrow's—and the never-ending urgency of striving ahead, never resting on one's laurels. Everyone from CEOs of the Fortune 100 to entrepreneurs just setting up shop to the millions who use Amazon's products and services in their homes or businesses will come to understand the principles that have driven the success of one of the most important innovators of our time. Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos is co-published by PublicAffairs, an imprint of Perseus Books, and Harvard Business Review Press.

  3. Invent & wander : the collected writings of Jeff Bezos

    Bezos, Jeffrey
    Boston, Massachusetts : Harvard Business Review Press & Public Affairs, [2021]

    In Jeff Bezos's own words, the core principles and philosophy that have guided him in creating, building, and leading Amazon and Blue Origin. In this collection of Jeff Bezos's writings—his unique and strikingly original annual shareholder letters, plus numerous speeches and interviews that provide insight into his background, his work, and the evolution of his ideas—you'll gain an insider's view of the why and how of his success. Spanning a range of topics across business and public policy, from innovation and customer obsession to climate change and outer space, this book provides a rare glimpse into how Bezos thinks about the world and where the future might take us. Written in a direct, down-to-earth style, Invent and Wander offers readers a master class in business values, strategy, and execution: The importance of a Day 1 mindset Why "it's all about the long term" What it really means to be customer obsessed How to start new businesses and create significant organic growth in an already successful company Why culture is an imperative How a willingness to fail is closely connected to innovation What the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us Each insight offers new ways of thinking through today's challenges—and more importantly, tomorrow's—and the never-ending urgency of striving ahead, never resting on one's laurels. Everyone from CEOs of the Fortune 100 to entrepreneurs just setting up shop to the millions who use Amazon's products and services in their homes or businesses will come to understand the principles that have driven the success of one of the most important innovators of our time. Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos is co-published by PublicAffairs, an imprint of Perseus Books, and Harvard Business Review Press.


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