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  1. A physicist's view of matter and mind [electronic resource]

    Dharma-wardana, Chandre
    Singapore ; Hackensack, N.J. : World Scientific Pub. Co., c2013.

    This is a highly interdisciplinary book straddling physics and complex systems such as living organisms. The presentation is from the perspective of physics, in a manner accessible to those interested in scientific knowledge integrated within its socio-cultural and philosophical backgrounds. Two key areas of human understanding, namely physics and conscious complex systems, are presented in simple language. An optional technical presentation is also given in parallel where it is needed.

    Online World Scientific

  2. A physicist's view of matter and mind

    Dharma-wardana, Chandre
    [Hackensack] New Jersey : World Scientific, [2013]

    This is a highly interdisciplinary book straddling physics and complex systems such as living organisms. The presentation is from the perspective of physics, in a manner accessible to those interested in scientific knowledge integrated within its socio-cultural and philosophical backgrounds. Two key areas of human understanding, namely physics and conscious complex systems, are presented in simple language. An optional technical presentation is also given in parallel where it is needed.

    Online EBSCO Academic Comprehensive Collection


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