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  1. Doing business in the Middle East : politics and economic crisis in Jordan und Kuwait

    Moore, Pete W.
    Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

    Moore's book is the first to examine relations between state authority and elite business representation in the Middle East. By considering the Kuwait and Jordan cases, he concludes that unleashing the private sector alone is insufficient to change current political and economic arrangements when established political infrastructures remain in place.Is business the solution to the problems of the Middle East? Some economists and policymakers argue that unleashing the Arab private sector is the key to sustainable growth and more liberal politics. Pete Moore's book is the first to examine relations between state authority and elite business representation in the region. By analysing the Kuwait and Jordan cases, he considers why organised business in Kuwait has been able to coordinate policy reform with state officials, while their Jordanian counterparts have generally failed. The author concludes that unleashing the private sector alone is insufficient to change current political and economic arrangements, and that successful economic adjustment requires successful political adjustment.

    Online EBSCO Academic Comprehensive Collection

  2. How to profit from the coming Russian boom : the insider's guide to business opportunities and survival on the frontiers of capitalism

    Poe, Richard, 1958-
    New York : McGraw-Hill, c1993.

    Eyeing the market free-for-all that is Russia today, American companies are sizing up their chances and jockeying for competitive advantage in a business arena fraught with risk and opportunity. This book has been designed to steer readers through every aspect of starting, maintaining and growing a successful venture in Russia. It offers advice and information, including: a directory of prime Russian business contacts; a listing of travel agents, car services, translators, lawyers, consultants and government agencies; specific "how-to" guidance on doing business in Russia - with insider tips on handling everything from the national mindset to ever changing bureaucratic structures; a review of Russia's economy - plus projections from top economists and business leaders; and details of Russian culture and etiquette - including tips and traps on such daily living issues as lodging, travel, shopping and entertainment.

  3. Doing business with China

    5th ed. - London : GMB Pub. ; London ; Sterling, VA : Distributed by Kogan Page, 2005.

    This revised fifth edition of Doing Business with China has been updated to take into account key changes in the legal and fiscal environment. It remains the most comprehensive guide available to all aspects of commercial engagement in China. It focuses on developments in Chinaˆs̈ business and regulatory environment over the past four years since WTO entry and on the key industry sectors where China is already a global player or which offer good opportunities for foreign investment and trade. In addition, the guide provides authoritative insight into accounting, auditing and taxation practices.

    Online EBSCO Academic Comprehensive Collection


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