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  1. Materialism

    Eagleton, Terry, 1943-
    New Haven : Yale University Press, [2016]

    A brilliant introduction to the philosophical concept of materialism and its relevance to contemporary science and culture In this eye-opening, intellectually stimulating appreciation of a fascinating school of philosophy, Terry Eagleton makes a powerful argument that materialism is at the center of today's important scientific and cultural as well as philosophical debates. The author reveals entirely fresh ways of considering the values and beliefs of three very different materialists-Marx, Nietzsche, and Wittgenstein-drawing striking comparisons between their philosophies while reflecting on a wide array of topics, from ideology and history to language, ethics, and the aesthetic. Cogently demonstrating how it is our bodies and corporeal activity that make thought and consciousness possible, Eagleton's book is a valuable exposition on philosophic thought that strikes to the heart of how we think about ourselves and live in the world.

  2. Materialism

    Eagleton, Terry, 1943-
    New Haven : Yale University Press, [2016]

    "Terry Eagleton makes a powerful argument that materialism is at the center of today's important scientific and cultural as well as philosophical debates, following the inroads being made by contemporary neuroscience on such issues as the nature of consciousness, the body's role in cognition, and the existence of mental states. The author reveals entirely fresh ways of considering the values and beliefs of three very different materialists--Marx, Nietzsche, and Wittgenstein--drawing striking comparisons between their philosophies while reflecting on a wide array of topics, from ideology and history to language, ethics, and the aesthetic."--A brilliant introduction to the philosophical concept of materialism and its relevance to contemporary science and culture In this eye-opening, intellectually stimulating appreciation of a fascinating school of philosophy, Terry Eagleton makes a powerful argument that materialism is at the center of today's important scientific and cultural as well as philosophical debates. The author reveals entirely fresh ways of considering the values and beliefs of three very different materialists-Marx, Nietzsche, and Wittgenstein-drawing striking comparisons between their philosophies while reflecting on a wide array of topics, from ideology and history to language, ethics, and the aesthetic. Cogently demonstrating how it is our bodies and corporeal activity that make thought and consciousness possible, Eagleton's book is a valuable exposition on philosophic thought that strikes to the heart of how we think about ourselves and live in the world.

  3. Materialism

    Eagleton, Terry, 1943-
    Yale University Press, 2017.

    Terry Eagleton makes a powerful argument that materialism is at the center of today's important scientific and cultural as well as philosophical debates. The author reveals entirely fresh ways of considering the values and beliefs of three very different materialists--Marx, Nietzsche, and Wittgenstein--drawing striking comparisons between their ideas, and showing how the anti-metaphysical stance taken up by each thinker tears us away from attachment to self-serving fantasy and returns us to the practical world. Along the way, Eagleton reflects on a wide array of topics, from ideology and history to language, ethics, and the aesthetic, providing a moving and powerful manifesto for a mode of engagement that takes seriously active, sensuous human life.

    Online EBSCO Academic Comprehensive Collection

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  1. Stack-Unit Mapping of Geologic Materials to a Depth of 15 Meters [Illinois]

    Illinois State Geological Survey

    Stack-Unit mapping of geologic materials to a depth of 15 meters. Stack-unit maps show the distribution of earth materials vertically from the surf...

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    Illinois State Geological Survey

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    Napa County Department of Environmental Management

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