Physical and digital books, media, journals, archives, and databases.
Results include
  1. Early music discography : from plainsong to the sons of Bach

    Croucher, Trevor
    1981 ed. - Phoenix, Ariz. : Oryx Press, 1981.

  2. Classical music discographies, 1976-1988 : a bibliography

    Gray, Michael H., 1946-
    New York : Greenwood Press, 1989.

    This is a sequel to Gray's "Bibliography of Discographies, Volume 1: Classical Music, 1925-1975". It identifies discographies in all fields of classical music from all significant countries and research areas, also adding fugitive material from the earlier period. Sources are discographies published as books or journal articles or as supplements to books and articles and also programme notes on sound recordings that cite significant numbers of classical recordings and discographies included in dissertations and theses. Organization is alphabetical by subjects, a large number of which are individual composers or performers; within each category, the discographies are listed chronologically. Each item is given a discrete alphanumerical entry code, and these codes are utilized for convenient access in the index of authors and series titles.

  3. Gospel records 1943-1969 : a Black music discography

    Hayes, Cedric J.
    [Chessington, Surrey] : Record Information Services, 1992.

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