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  1. Physics demonstration experiments

    New York, Ronald Press Co. [c1970]

  2. EBWR PHYSICS EXPERIMENTS [electronic resource].

    Argonne, Ill. : Argonne National Laboratory ; Oak Ridge, Tenn. : distributed by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Dept. of Energy, 1957

    Online OSTI

  3. Physics experiments using PCs : a guide for instructors and students

    Berlin ; New York : Springer, ©1993.

    Physics practical classes form an important part of many scientific and technical courses in higher education. In addition to the older standard experiments, such practicals now generally include a few computer-controlled experiments developed in association with the research groups active in the particular university or college. Since there is relatively little exchange of information between the teaching staff of different institutes, the personal computer, despite its ubiquity, is underexploited in this role as a teaching aid. The present book provides a detailed description of a number of computer-controlled experiments suitable for practical classes. Both the relevant physics and the computational techniques are presented in a form that enables the readers to construct and/or perform the experiment themselves.

    Online SpringerLink


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