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  1. Phylogeny : discrete and random processes in evolution

    Steel, M. A.
    Philadelphia : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, [2016]

    Phylogenetics is a topical and growing area of research. Phylogenies (phylogenetic trees and networks) allow biologists to study and graph evolutionary relationships between different species. These are also used to investigate other evolutionary processes - for example, how languages developed or how different strains of a virus (such as HIV or influenza) are related to each other. This self-contained book addresses the underlying mathematical theory behind the reconstruction and analysis of phylogenies. The theory is grounded in classical concepts from discrete mathematics and probability theory as well as techniques from other branches of mathematics (algebra, topology, differential equations). The biological relevance of the results is highlighted throughout. In Phylogeny: Discrete and Random Processes in Evolution, the author:* Supplies proofs of key classical theorems and includes results not covered in existing boosk* Emphasizes relevant mathematical results derived over the past 20 years. * Provides numerous exercises, examples, and figures.

    Online SIAM Publications Online

  2. Primate phylogeny

    London ; San Diego : Academic Press, c1987.

  3. Crustacean phylogeny

    Rotterdam : A.A. Balkema ; Salem, NH, USA : Distributed in the USA and Canada by MBS, 1983.

    This text contains findings concerning evolutionary relationships. Both fossil and recent lines of evidence are considered.

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