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Results include
  1. Human rights in Colombia : truths and lies

    Bogotá : Verdad Colombia, 2004.

  2. Peace, democracy, and human rights in Colombia

    Notre Dame, Ind. : University of Notre Dame Press, c2007.

    Colombia is home to the longest-running guerilla war in this hemisphere, a war that has evolved into a multisided conflict. Why has Colombia's internal war become so entrenched? Why have peace efforts failed to produce durable agreements? Why has Colombia's long-standing democracy experienced such glaring failures? Who should be held accountable for the violence suffered by the Colombian people? "Peace, Democracy, and Human Rights in Colombia" addresses these pressing questions and delves deeply into the underlying politics and bedrock human rights issues in Colombia. Authored by leading Colombian and U.S. scholars, the chapters examine Colombia's attempts at negotiating peace, the weakening of political institutions, patterns of violence, and human-rights politics. Contributors also consider the influential role played by the United States and the impact of drugs on politics. For scholars, this timely collection provides a theoretical understanding of human rights violations, corruption, political fragmentation, and reform. Policy makers will find careful analyses and debate about policy outcomes and alternatives, as well as recommendations for action to protect rights, strengthen democracy, and pursue peace. Students will find a route to understanding the history and dynamics of Colombia's contemporary challenges of human rights, democracy, and peace.

  3. Human rights in Colombia as President Barco begins

    New York, NY : Americas Watch Committee, c1986.


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