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  1. The 1865 customs of service for non-commissioned officers and soldiers

    Kautz, August V. (August Valentine), 1828-1895
    2nd ed., 1st Stackpole ed. - Mechanicsburg, PA : Stackpole Books, c2001.

    This was the Civil War soldier's and NCO's 'how-to' guide to military duties in garrison and in the field. It covers of all ranks and services: infantry, cavalry, artillery, ordnance, quartermaster, signal, saddlers, hospital stewards, cooks, bands, as well as spies, pickets, expressmen, special forces. There is much quaint yet practical advice on survival, cooking and nutrition, pay, punishment, prisoners of war, and many long-extinct soldier skills. It contains the 'Articles of War' used during the Civil War.


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