Physical and digital books, media, journals, archives, and databases.
Results include
  1. Lost wisdom : rethinking modernity in Iran

    Milani, Abbas
    1st ed. - Washington, D.C. : Mage Publishers, 2004.

  2. The Shah

    Milani, Abbas
    1st ed. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

  3. Beyond incrementalism : a new strategy for dealing with Iran

    Milani, Abbas
    Stanford, California : Hoover Institution, Stanford University, 2005.


Course- and topic-based guides to collections, tools, and services.
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Library website

Library info; guides & content by subject specialists
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Digital showcases for research and teaching.
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Geospatial content, including GIS datasets, digitized maps, and census data.
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