Physical and digital books, media, journals, archives, and databases.
Results include
  1. Socialization and education : essays in conceptual criticism

    Brezinka, Wolfgang, 1928-
    Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1994.

    These essays on social science terminology examine commonly used words whose meanings, on closer examination, are not clear. The first essay examines the term "socialisation"; the second, 15 usages of the term "models"; and the third, attacks the New Left.


Course- and topic-based guides to collections, tools, and services.
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Library info; guides & content by subject specialists
  1. Education

    Stanford Libraries' Education collections contain print and online materials ranging from the philosophy and history of education to neuroeducation and education data science, from early childhood education to higher education, and all areas of the world.

  2. Subjects A-Z

    A list of subject areas from A to Z

  3. Slavic, East Central and Southeast Europe, and Eurasia Studies

    Stanford Libraries' Slavic collections include Russian literature; Russian, Soviet and Eastern European history (particularly of the 19th-21st centuries); Russian and Polish arts and cultures; education, economics, and political science.


Digital showcases for research and teaching.
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Geospatial content, including GIS datasets, digitized maps, and census data.
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