Physical and digital books, media, journals, archives, and databases.
Results include
  1. Twentieth century [videorecording]

    Culver City, Calif : Columbia Pictures, c2005.

    A temperamental Broadway producer trains an untutored actress, but when she becomes a star, she proves a match for him.

  2. Twentieth century; an Australian quarterly review

    Melbourne, Printed for the Institute of Social Order by the Advocate Press.

  3. Twentieth century : the history of the world, 1901 to 2000

    Roberts, J. M. (John Morris), 1928-2003
    1st American ed. - New York : Viking, 1999.

Your search also found 61 topic specific databases.


Course- and topic-based guides to collections, tools, and services.
Library info; guides & content by subject specialists
  1. Slavic, East Central and Southeast Europe, and Eurasia Studies

    Stanford Libraries' Slavic collections include Russian literature; Russian, Soviet and Eastern European history (particularly of the 19th-21st centuries); Russian and Polish arts and cultures; education, economics, and political science.

  2. Italian Studies

    Italian collections offer print, digital, and media resources in Italian, English, and other languages, with a central focus on Italy's language, literature, history, and politics, as well as Italophone and diasporic communities outside of Italy.

  3. Education

    Stanford Libraries' Education collections contain print and online materials ranging from the philosophy and history of education to neuroeducation and education data science, from early childhood education to higher education, and all areas of the world.


Digital showcases for research and teaching.
  1. Tokyo Over Time

    Maps of Tokyo spanning the early nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Geospatial content, including GIS datasets, digitized maps, and census data.
  1. Scotland counties, 1951

    GBHGIS, University of Portsmouth, Research Project

    These are digital boundaries for the system of counties used in Scotland from medieval times and continuing to exist until 1975, broadly as aggrega...

  2. Map of property and land grants of the Island Heights Association on the north bank of Toms River in Ocean County, New Jersey


    This map depicts property and land grants of the Island Heights Association on the north bank of Toms River. The lots are divided up into 44 block ...

  3. Administrative Counties of England and Wales 1911

    Great Britain Historical Geographical Information System, Southall, Humphrey, and Aucott, Paula

    These are digital boundaries for the system of counties essentially created by the 1889 Local Government Act and continuing to exist until 1974. Th...

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