Physical and digital books, media, journals, archives, and databases.
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  1. Social explorer [digital]

    Flushing, N.Y. : Sociology Department, Queens College, CUNY, <2017>-

    "Our objective is to help visually analyze and understand the demography of the U.S. through the use of interactive maps and data reports. Our primary functions include Demographic Data Analysis, Interactive Map/Report Design and Software Development. Our main goal is to visually display the demographic change that has occurred in the U.S. since 1790 through the present, for the country over all down to the level of the county. For more recent years, one can display areas as small as your own neighborhood. Certain cities may even be displayed as far back as 1910. To do this we have developed a collection of interactive demographic maps that can be viewed, queried and manipulated on our site."--website.


  2. Social explorer [electronic resource].

    Flushing, NY : Sociology Dept., Queens College, CUNY

    "Our objective is to help visually analyze and understand the demography of the U.S. through the use of interactive maps and data reports. Our primary functions include Demographic Data Analysis, Interactive Map/Report Design and Software Development. Our main goal is to visually display the demographic change that has occurred in the U.S. since 1790 through the present, for the country over all down to the level of the county. For more recent years, one can display areas as small as your own neighborhood. Certain cities may even be displayed as far back as 1910. To do this we have developed a collection of interactive demographic maps that can be viewed, queried and manipulated on our site."


  3. Social : why our brains are wired to connect

    Lieberman, Matthew D.
    First edition. - New York : Crown Publishers, [2013]

    We are profoundly social creatures. Here, renowned psychologist Matthew Lieberman explores groundbreaking research in social neuroscience revealing that our need to connect with other people is even more fundamental than our need for food or shelter. Because of this, our brain uses its spare time to learn about the social world--other people and our relation to them. He argues that our need to reach out to and connect with others is a primary driver behind our behavior. We have a unique ability to read other people's minds, to figure out their hopes, fears, and motivations, allowing us to effectively coordinate our lives with one another. And our most private sense of who we are is intimately linked to the important people and groups in our lives. The insights revealed in this pioneering book suggest ways to improve learning in schools, make the workplace more productive, and improve our overall well-being.--From publisher description.

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Library info; guides & content by subject specialists
  1. Journalism

    Stanford Libraries' Journalism collections include both print and online books and journals, as well as databases and datasets for the study of topics such as news reporting, media ethics, investigative journalism, and data journalism.

  2. About us

    About the Stanford Libraries


Digital showcases for research and teaching.
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Geospatial content, including GIS datasets, digitized maps, and census data.
  1. Effigies ampli Regni auriferi Guineae in Africa siti, extensum inde ad insulis Atlanticis, vulgo dictis, de Cabo Verde

    Doetichum, Baptista van, -1611, Teixeira, Luís, active 16th century, and Allard, Huych [Hugo], 1625-1691

    delineata per S. Rovelascum, et politioribus lineainentis figurata per Lodouicum Texeram, protocosmographum Regis Hispaniarum ; Baptista Doetechomi...

  2. Railroads and the making of modern America

    Thomas, William G, 1964- and University of Nebraska--Lincoln Center for Digital Research in the Humanities

    "[This site] explores the dynamic social change that came between 1850 and 1900 with the growth of railroads, telegraphs, steam ships and other tec...

  3. Railroad System, United States, 1840

    Thomas, William G., 1964-

    This line shapefile represents the railroad network of the United States in 1840. This layer is part of the Railroads and the Making of Modern Amer...

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