About us
About the Libraries
The Stanford University Libraries are a dynamic network of libraries, librarians, information technology specialists, and a vast collection of academic resources that are dedicated to supporting research, teaching, and learning at Stanford.
Visit us
All Stanford affiliates with a current and valid Stanford ID have access to our many resources. We are also committed to making our collection available for wider use.
Our mission is to encourage, stimulate, connect, and share. At Stanford Libraries, you will meet approachable, engaged, solution-oriented staff who are easy to talk to, will encourage your learning, and empower your research.
Support the Libraries
Donors to the Libraries value investing in research, preserving cultural heritage, advancing discovery using data, creating spaces that arouse curiosity, and believe in making information and scholarship accessible.
Collection highlights
Stanford University Libraries hold hundreds of thousands of rare and unique items, both in physical and digital form. Special Collections and University Archives are two central contact points for these materials, in addition to the many branches and centers of the Libraries that hold special resources in their distinct areas of expertise. SearchWorks and Spotlight exhibits are the best starting points to begin to explore the Libraries’ holdings.