Physical and digital books, media, journals, archives, and databases.
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  1. Electronic briefing books [electronic resource]

    [Washington, D.C.] : National Security Archive, George Washington University

    The National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Books provide online access to critical declassified records on specific issues, including U.S. national security, foreign policy, military history, intelligence policy, and more.


  2. Federal guidelines, testing, and certification for electronic poll books (e-poll books)

    Shanton, Karen L.
    [Library of Congress public edition]. - [Washington, D.C.] : Congressional Research Service, 2023-


  3. No shelf required 2 : use and management of electronic books

    Chicago : American Library Association, 2012.

    With their explosive sales and widespread availability, the past few years have definitively proven that e-books are here to stay. In this sequel to her best-selling book of the same title, expert Polanka dives even deeper into the world of digital distribution. Contributors from across the breadth of the e-book world offer their perspectives on what's happening now and what to expect in the coming months and years. Included in this invaluable resource are Guidelines for performing traditional library processes such as cataloging, weeding, archiving, and managing e-book accessibility for patrons with special needs Explorations of topics such as the e-book digital divide and open-access publishing Case studies from an array of academic, public, and school libraries, offering firsthand accounts of what works, what doesn't, and why Discussions of the emerging model of the electronic-only library and the rich possibilities of enhanced e-books All librarians will want to familiarize themselves with the wealth of advice in this volume on best practices for use and management of e-books.

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Course- and topic-based guides to collections, tools, and services.
Library info; guides & content by subject specialists
  1. Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies

    The Taiwan Resource Center for Chinese Studies, established in 2022 at Stanford, is a cooperative project intended to promote international exchange in the fields of Chinese studies and Taiwan studies. View the research databases provided by the TRCCS.


Digital showcases for research and teaching.
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Geospatial content, including GIS datasets, digitized maps, and census data.
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