Amy Hodge elected as Chair of the Executive Council of the Carpentries

At its meeting on March 21, 2019, the Executive Council of the Carpentries elected Amy Hodge, Stanford Libraries' Science Data Librarian, as its Chair for the upcoming year.
The Carpentries is a non-profit organization whose mission is to teach foundational computational and data science skills to researchers. This mission is largely achieved through two-day, hands-on workshops teaching open, collaboratively-developed lessons by certified instructors. The Carpentries consists of a diverse, global community of mostly volunteer instructors, trainers, curriculum maintainers, community champions, member organizations, and workshop organizers.
The Executive Council is the governance arm of The Carpentries and is responsible for strategic and organizational planning, selecting and evaluating the Executive Director, financial oversight of the organization, identifying revenue streams and resource allocation, approving and monitoring programs and services, and enhancing the organization's public image. The Executive Council consists of four community-elected members and five appointed members drawn from the Carpentries community.
Dr. Hodge has been involved with the Carpentries since 2013 as a workshop host, instructor, and instructor trainer, and was elected to the Executive Council in 2017. She is looking forward to a challenging and exciting year of strategic planning with the Executive Council, with the objective of positioning The Carpentries for a sustainable future with long-term goals that meet the values and mission of the organization and its community.