Visual Resources Center
About us
The Visual Resources Center (VRC) provides image digitization services and course and research support for faculty, researchers, and students at Stanford University. Members of the Stanford community who have a valid SUNet ID may access our database, ImageBase, which holds over 250,000 digital images. By appointment only.
Use the ImageBase
The ImageBase, which consists of approximately 250,000 digital images including images licensed from Archivision and Scholars Resource, is accessible to all members of the Stanford community. Our collection strengths include American art, Chinese art, architecture, and photography. You must have a valid SUNet ID to log in.
Digitize images
The VRC creates digital images for teaching and research purposes for the Stanford community via copy stand photography or 35mm slide scanning. The VRC also provides course support by digitizing large numbers of images in advance for upcoming courses.
Request course study sets
Each quarter, the VRC places image study sets online for select courses. Study sets are organized by department, professor, and course number within the VRC's ImageBase.
Please contact the VRC staff for assistance with course support, use of images, and access to the ImageBase.
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