Web Archiving
Preserve web pages, preserve history
Have you wondered how future historians will access sources from today, as we move away from print culture? The Internet is a critical yet fragile part of our media landscape, and web information is constantly at risk due to updates and replacements, as well as censorship and changing political orders. To mitigate this, subject specialists at Stanford Libraries utilize Archive-IT, our web-archiving service provider, to identify and crawl significant web content for use in current and future research. The resulting web archives are then transferred to the Stanford Digital Repository, facilitating discovery through SearchWorks, and allowing users to browse the archived content locally at the Stanford Web Archiving Portal (SWAP).

ShanghaiPRIDE. Chinese NGO Web Archive Collection

A Vision for Stanford. Stanford University Website Collection.
Who is eligible to suggest websites
Subject specialists will choose websites to crawl based on their collection policy, which outlines specific criteria and guidelines for selecting web content. Additionally, faculty members and other researchers at Stanford have the opportunity to suggest websites to these subject specialists for consideration.
What to expect
- Users have the ability to discover archived websites through SearchWorks.
- If users possess the exact URLs of specific websites, they can directly locate the corresponding archived sites on the Stanford Web Archiving Portal (SWAP).
- Archived websites may differ from original sites, due to the limitations of web-archiving technology.
Questions about Web Archiving?
Contact the Stanford Libraries Web Archivist with any questions.