Government Information
Subject librarian

James R. Jacobs

Danielle Gensch
About the Government Information collection
The government information collection includes publications and data of the U.S. federal, U.S. state and local, foreign, and international governmental agencies in various physical and digital formats. We acquire materials via depository agreements, subscriptions, mailing lists, direct contact with agencies, web archiving, and other digital collection development strategies. Government information librarians assist with research and instruction across the social sciences and all academic disciplines in need of access to primary publishing outputs of governments including consultation about FOIA and public records research.
The Jonsson Library of Government Documents, located in the East lobby of the Cecil H. Green Library building, is the home of the Government Information Department of the Stanford University Libraries.
Featured collections
GATT Digital Library 1947 - 1994
Go to the exhibitDiscover documents and information of and about the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), an organization that promoted international commerce and the reduction of trade barriers among member states from 1947-1994.
Virtual Tribunals International criminal tribunal records (1945-present)
Go to the exhibitExplore our comprehensive database of international criminal tribunal records, from the post-WWII cases through the contemporary tribunals, fully digitized, and rendered searchable through a single online portal.
Corporation of Foreign Bondholders (UK) & Foreign Bondholders Protective Council (US)
View the collectionView materials collected from the Corporation of Foreign Bondholders (CFB) and the Foreign Bondholders Protective Council (FBPC).