Subject librarian

Azure Janee Stewart
About the Sociology collection
This sociology subject page is a starting point for finding library resources and social science data related to the study of sociology. Stanford Libraries collections include sources on quantitative and qualitative research methods and data and theories for our students, researchers, and the Stanford community. This is a starting point for library resources covering, but not limited to, inequality, social change, identity, social relationships, and the complexities of human social life.
Featured collections
Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
View the collectionStanford Libraries is a member of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research ( ICPSR) which is an international consortium of nearly eight hundred institutions. Membership in ICPSR includes access to thousands of social science studies, data, variables, and related publications.
View the resourceThis is a social-science data collection of data created by Stanford researchers. It has been curated and deposited into the Stanford Digital Repository.