South Asian Studies
Subject librarian

C. Ryan Perkins
About the South Asian Studies collection
South Asian studies focuses on the study of the region that includes Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Our subject librarian is responsible for building the library's collection of materials from and about South Asia in English, European languages, and languages of South Asia. This involves building and sustaining a network of antiquarian dealers, book vendors, scholars, publishers, and libraries in South Asia. Apart from responding to faculty teaching needs, our subject librarian works in collaboration with the Center for South Asia, the Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies, and their affiliates to provide research assistance to faculty, students, and other library users. He is happy to help with any of your research questions.
Featured collections
The 1947 Partition Archive
Go to the exhibitThe interviews in this exhibit are a small selection of more than ten thousand interviews that comprise the 1947 Partition Archive. The interviews have been recorded in twenty-two languages and attempt to cover the complete life stories of the witnesses, providing fascinating details about pre-Partition life, the Partition experience, and post-Partition life changes.
Further resources
- South Asian newspapers
- Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan, 1834-1922: From Silk Road to Soviet rule
- Manuscripts of the Islamicate world and South Asia
- East India Company
- India, Raj & empire [1710-1944]
- The Times of India
- EPWRF India time series
- Hebrew printing in India
- Indiastat
- ProwessDX
- Empire online
- V-IDEO: Ideas worth sharing